
  1.  I fought for ice-cream.  Grandpa loves ice-cream. Since he is bed, and cannot enjoy much beyond eating, grandma buys it for him, and also tries to cook what he likes. This means I've been eating lots of ice-cream, too, and plenty of fried chicken. From the first box, I was greedy and ate 7 small ice-creams. Grandma, grandpa and I are in Chizatau with the goats and Ruxandra and Edward are in Lugoj. When Edward came to visit I became very angry when he tried to eat his second ice-cream and swore I've only had one. He had dropped haft of his first on the floor, and still felt entitled to more. He took another one independent of my protests, and dropped it again, and then a third. At last Ruxandra had to intervene to stop the fight. He was wasting them.
  2. I broke the glass from the door with a brick. Even though I am 11, I still throw pretty bad temper tantrums. I was supposed to go on a school trip to a pool in Orastie with Frau Roxi and the rest of my classmates. I wanted a new swimming suit for it, and offered to do a page of math in exchange. In the past, gradma would solve the problems, while I helped or sometimes just pretended to pay attention while thinking of rockets and other things. But grandma is very tired now because she is taking care of grandpa all day and all night. So I tried to do a math test I had picked out all alone. I could not do it, and became very angry. I went into the hallway, took a brick and threw it in the glass of the front door. Grandma saw me pick up the brick, but did not think I'll actually throw it. After she saw me break the thermopane glass, which is multilayered and thick, she started crying -- not because of the glass, but because I'd do such a thing. Violence seems monstrous to her, especially when she is this tired. Then she called Ruxandra to tell her what happened. I tried to be good the rest of the day, but Ruxandra said I do not get to go on the school trip at all. So, I had to say home. She went to the parents and teacher meeting, and Frau Roxi, who is our German teacher and class master, supported the decision. 
  3. Grandpa fell down the steps because I overestimated my strength. Robi came to plan some carpeting. Grandma asked him to help put grandpa on his wheelchair. I pushed the chair under him while grandma and Robi were lifting him, and stayed with grandpa to keep him company when they went to measure the wood for a the roof. Then grandpa suggested he went out into the street through the other door. Only that way there are steps instead of a ramp. I turned the wheelchair around and pushed it down the hallway, and then down the steps. In the past, I was able to take it down with grandma, and thought I could do it alone  -- like with the math.  Grandpa is over 100 kg, and I could not hold him when the wheelchair started tumbling down. I called grandma. However, by the time she and Robi arrived,  grandpa fell and bumped his head and knees. He had his seatbelt on, which prevented some harm. We were able to put him back on the chair and got him in bed. Robi and gradma drove me to school and then went to pick up the wood. Gradma did not sleep the following night. Instead, she spent it watching grandpa who did not breathe well at night after his fall. He is better now, but she is now even more tired than before. I help her move him when she calls me. She sometimes even wakes me up to help.

To make-up for things gone wrong:
1. I put a mesh fence on top of a wood fence so that we can take chicks out. Ruxandra has been asking me to do this for the past month. I still hate taking the chicks out because I have to bend, catch every one of them while they run like lightning, put them in a box, and then if the rain comes, I have to put them back in. Initially, I put them out only when Ruxandra asked AND watched me do it, but later I became quite an expert at catching them if grandma's there to push them towards me with her broom.
2. Every day, I also milk Edwina, the goat, while Grandma holds her. 
3. I did a page of maths from the problem book with all the steps written out. It's the first time, I've ever done this. I got angry at one of the problems, and skipped it, but did not break anything this time.

After attempting to be better, Ruxandra allowed me to go and see a movie with my class, and in the last day of school we ate pizza until I made myself sick. That same day Ruxandra called Dan, who had installed the window, and had him replace the glass with a thick piece of plastic. It was 250 lei. Gradma did not have the money. So, Ruxandra, James, Edward and I drove over to his company down by Tapia and paid. This was all the money I had saved from odd jobs around the house like picking up clothes thrown about the living room (did that once) and fixing two nets for the chicks when they were small (the neighbor had to redo them to look nice, but what I did was functional). I still own 250 lei from dropping grandpa, but grandma says I make-up 15 lei for every page of math I write if I write out the steps. I make almost no mistakes then. Otherwise, I get it all wrong, but I still hate having to write more than just the answer. Once I get in the positive again, I want to buy an ice-cream maker. I saw one at Kaufland for 70 lei.

Update: My resolutions last about two days. This was no different. I did not do much math or much writing when averaging over the whole 3 months of vacation.


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