
Showing posts from July, 2018

My pig-like day

 I ate like a pig, and grandma is cross. I made some small and ugly crepes. They were very tasty.  Then grandma made fries and I ate nearly all of them. I did give a selected few to grandpa -- intentionally -- without pepper,  and he said they were not good. I liked them very much myself with or without the condiments. Grandma was unhappy I kept contriving to eat as much as possible. I hope she will take me to tennis. I did go to tennis even though it was rainy. After awhile all the children left. I stayed and played with the teacher. When I called grandma, she came to pick me up and we went to the market. I ate a donut there. When we got home, grandpa wanted medicine. His lungs get clogged because he spends too much time in the horizontal position. When we put him on the armchair, he requires to be put back to bed only 2-3 minutes later. Grandma bought antibiotics from Lugoj, and gave them to grandpa for a whole week. It's been 6 months since grandpa's stroke an...

The adventures of grandma's phone

Grandma lost her phone on Saturday. I saw it on the veranda next to a red dish, but when she searched for it it was gone.  We called it and voice mail picked up as if somebody had closed it. Grandpa was waiting for us in Chizatau.  Once we reached Chizatau, Ruxandra used google to located it at our address in Lugoj. She said she'll go back and get it after James falls asleep. Around 3 p.m. when James fell asleep she went back to Lugoj. This time google showed the phone at the pawn  shop next to the bridge. It is called the "Amanet". A very charming and well dressed men said the network is public and any person on the street could have had the phone. Our best guess was that Mr. Sun -- our next door neighbor -- had taken it. When asked, he made up stories of how a person took a wheelbarrow to go to the  end of his garden to see ours better and was likely preparing to steal. Our garden is populated by chicken. So, unless the suspicious person  was interested i...