The adventures of grandma's phone

Grandma lost her phone on Saturday. I saw it on the veranda next to a red dish, but when she searched for it it was gone.  We called it and voice mail picked up as if somebody had closed it. Grandpa was waiting for us in Chizatau.  Once we reached Chizatau, Ruxandra used google to located it at our address in Lugoj. She said she'll go back and get it after James falls asleep.

Around 3 p.m. when James fell asleep she went back to Lugoj. This time google showed the phone at the pawn  shop next to the bridge. It is called the "Amanet". A very charming and well dressed men said the network is public and any person on the street could have had the phone.

Our best guess was that Mr. Sun -- our next door neighbor -- had taken it. When asked, he made up stories of how a person took a wheelbarrow to go to the  end of his garden to see ours better and was likely preparing to steal. Our garden is populated by chicken. So, unless the suspicious person  was interested in chicken, the story made no sense. Mr. Sun visited the pawn shop at Ruxandra's insistence. The owner then agreed it had grandma's phone with a contract on a lady called  'Gabriela Padlockbreaker' and that he'll give us the phone back for 80 Lei. He even showed us some blurry pictures of two women: supposedly Mrs. Padlockbreaker and a  friend to convince us Mr. Sun is not the thief. None of us ever visited a pawn shop before. They seem places from old books like David Copperfield - I have yet to read Charles Dickens. We have the phone back now, but constantly look over our shoulder when Mr. Sun is home.


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