A regular day between Lugoj and Chizatau

This morning the therapist came. After his session ended, we wanted to take grandpa to Chizatau. I took the wheelchair down the steps, and Ruxandra put some long pieces of wood as a ramp. But we decided not to go, because grandma needed to buy materials for the roof in Chizatau and for that she needed the big car. Many storms are expected this summer and we want to make it leak less than last year. So, instead, we went for a walk with Andy and bought some fence to finish the enclosure for Piki, our tortoise. It was 4 lei/meter and Ruxandra got 10 meters just in case. Piki's enclosure was only 2 meters short. 

When we came back Andy drove us to Chizatau. We put Rainbow and her kittens in the car. I held onto Rainbow, while her kittens were behind us in a box. It was very sunny and they were  all panting, and trying to escape. They were climbing on our backs because their box had been James' bathtub and there is no way to close it. All this freaked Andy out. He sped a little, but in the end we made it safely. When we arrived, we put the cats in their room and gave them water. They are fine now and like it better in Chizatau because they have more space and James cannot pick them up quite so often. James is one and half, and Edward is seven. They are my cousins.

On the roof, there were two men working. Robi was putting shingles, and Sorin was below -- passing them to him. It was very hot. I asked why they did not take turns, but Sorin said Robi was in charge of the project and will even come back the next day if things are not quite to his liking -- he did not say what that meant. Ruxandra bought food for them and many bottles of water. They asked for salami, bread and mustard. She never buys such things for us because she says it's unhealthy, but they offered to share, and it was so very tasty.

Later Edward, Andy, James and Ruxandra went to the river to swim. I did not go because Ruxandra asked me to put shoes on, and I lost my temper. She keeps asking us to find AND put shoes on when   she knows both Edward and I are too lazy to do it. When I ask her why, she says she never loses hope we will behave. The river has plenty of spines and I hate stepping onto sharp things that go through my feet, but also always misplace my shoes. I throw them in different corners of the room or in different rooms the moment I enter the house. Then I never bend to pick them up because it's an effort I don't want to make. So, when I am asked to put shoes on, it makes me angry. Grandma finds my shoes for me, but she has a bad leg now and it's hard for her to be on her knees to look for our shoes under various beds. She and Ruxandra walk around with shoes of different sizes and colors. James is more to blame than us. When he sees shoes that have just been put together, he walks with them and leaves them unpaired. Grandma offered to find shoes for me even this time, but Ruxandra did not let her. Even though I love grandma,  I almost never, ever help with basic house chores because they are too boring and I am interested in other things. Today I was angry I did not go to the river, and I spent the time they did swimming throwing yet another tantrum at grandma, who was not to blame. Ruxandra says she does not know what she will do with me and Edward when we become teenagers if we are already this difficult.

When the evening came, grandma had to take Sorin back. She asked me to stay with Ruxandra. I sneaked in her car instead and shot people with water from the running car even when she explicitly asked me not to.  She said people can have accidents and die because of me. It was fun, and I think I actually missed most of the times. Ruxandra and the rest came with Andy. Since they were distracted by my tantrums, we forgot to milk the goat. Robi milked her a bit earlier in the day and threw the milk on the ground. I hope she wont develop mastitis and be ok until tomorrow. Her baby, Mocha Latter (or ciocolata;  he is the cutest lamb ever) is only a few days old and she has way more milk than he needs. I will milk her tomorrow evening.

After we reached home, to make up for being a pig all day, I started working on Piki's enclosure. Edward came to help me. I cut a little less than 2 meters off the fence -- it was just a few centimeters too short. Ruxandra said we should have left it a little longer to allow for potential modifications later on and to make it go around the other pieces. I agreed, but since it was already cut, we went ahead and connected it the best we could to the other pieces. It was also lifted off the ground a bit. So, Ruxandra asked Andy to fix it. He was inside cooking dinner. He came and put lots of earth around it. Now Piki seems unable to escape, and, more importantly, this enclosure is high enough that James cannot get in to take her out. Piki has lots of vegetation and seems happy enough in her new home. It looks like a forest from the outside.


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