freedom fighter - Julian Assange

I've seen they are trying to lock Julian Assange for good. He is still stuck in the embassy, but he is now without internet because of pressure from the US. Ruxandra says such actions are wrong. Freedom of speech and transparency when governing should be something the US strives for instead of striving at closing the mouth of the press by killing a very capable person who tried to change the world. I am American and I am ashamed America takes decisions like this. The America I could be proud of would hire Julian Assange and learn from him instead of shutting his mouth off. He was mistreated enough that it's hard to go back and be fair now. Still so much money is being spent on mistreating this one person that could be put to better use. If I can understand this, and I am eleven, why can't the rest of the world? why can't the (old and boring) people in power understand? perhaps they are too old, too boring, too bent in wrong directions to take just decisions?


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